​​​Vital EnerQi​ Healing

​​Health & Vitality Through Balanced Energy

FAQ For Sound Healing

What happens after a sound healing session?
Allow yourself to rest after your treatment. People often report feeling different, expansive and very relaxed after sessions. To make the most of this, be kind to yourself by being in nature or resting for a while. This will further deepen your experience.

How often should a person receive an  session?

The frequency and duration of sessions varies depending on the need of the individual. In a physical, emotional, or spiritual crisis, some people may see a practitioner once per week. Once the initial concerns are addressed, people may come once a month or every other month for a tune up or preventative care that helps keep their body in harmony.

I don’t really have anything ‘wrong’ with me, can I still benefit from a session?

Yes. There is difference between optimal health and just being free from disease. A vibrational sound treatment helps bring the body into balance allowing you to function at your optimal state. Boosting immune during cold and flu season, improving quality of sleep and helping relieve stress are just a few of the many benefits that come with a sound session.

What effect do the tuning forks have?

Healing Tuning Forks produce a deeply relaxing effect in the body. As sound waves pass through the body, their rhythmic vibrations promote a release of tension at all levels of the body – rebalancing and realigning all aspects of the individual – physical, mental, emotional and energetic. A treatment with the Tuning Forks helps calm and focus the mind; balance the central nervous system and enhance the body's own self-healing processes.

How does sound therapy work?

The tuning fork is struck on an actuator then placed on or above the body or held near the ears. The sound waves of the forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along these energy pathways (meridians), affecting human physiology and reaching places not easily accessed by traditional medicine. Applying the forks stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field to promote healing and inner harmony. Listening to the forks speaks to us deeply by connecting  and accessing our sense of motion, balance, space, memory and healing.

For more information on the forks visit http://www.acutonics.com .

FAQ for Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a gentle, non-invasive natural healing practice that promotes energy balance, health and wellness. Reiki promotes relaxation and inner peace, which in turn leads to deep inner harmony, clarity, and strength. A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.

Book your rejuvenating session today!​​
Text Now! ​403-998-9018