Reiki unlike many modern-day remedies works directly on restoring the balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.

The great thing about reiki is that one does not have to be ill to experience the benefits.

Some of the benefits of Reiki:

​~ Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit;

~ Increases energy levels

~ Helps relieve pain

~ Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension

~ Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability

~ Aids better sleep

~ Reduces blood pressure

~ Clears the mind and improves focus

~ Supports the immune system

~ Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

~ Compliments medical treatment

~ ....and so much more


During a Reiki session the client lies in a relaxed manner, fully clothed on a massage table and each session is generally 75 minutes in length. A session can also be done sitting up in a chair for those that are uncomfortable laying down.  

 Reiki is a safe and gentle healing technique that incorporates a series of hand positions either directly on or just above the body.  

During a Reiki session you may feel a sense of inner peace, calmness and deep relaxation.  

Common physical sensations that one experiences during a Reiki session include: heat, tingling vibrations, cool gentle breeze and movement of energy throughout the body.  

Generally, people relax so deeply that they fall into a meditative state or even asleep.  It is in this state that deep levels of healing can occur, so the more frequently one experiences Reiki, the more effective it is, and the stronger the healing effects. 

Others may feel things releasing emotionally during the session which may lead to some crying or laughing as this happens. Sometimes it will happen over the following 21 days. Even if nothing is felt, the Reiki is still working in its own subtle ways. Each recipient will experience something unique to them.

What can be expected after a Reiki session?

After the session, people report different experiences. Immediately after the session, some people are tired and feel the need to rest, while others feel their energy levels raised.

Days after a treatment, many report noticing a feeling of peace and serenity, and/or an increase in energy and overall lightness of being, and/or having restful and full sleeps.

Some people may feel a reduction in their level of pain. I encourage everyone to drink lots of water the day of the treatment to flush their system and to be very kind and compassionate to themselves.

 ​​​Vital EnerQi​ Healing

​​Health & Vitality Through Balanced Energy

                      WHAT IS REIKI?

​Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a gentle, non-invasive natural healing practice that promotes energy balance, health and wellness. It treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of (w)holistic healing and self-improvement that anyone can benefit from. Reiki promotes relaxation and inner peace, which in turn leads to deep inner harmony, clarity, and strength.

A Reiki session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.

A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness.